Hey there!

Howdy! My name is Karina. Thanks so much for taking the time to look at my website and find out more about me and The Crafty Cowgirl! This website is the home of all things fun and crafty. You can find modern embroidery and cross stitch kits, fun craft supplies and unique gifts all in one place.

I have been doing craft since I was about 5 years old and grew up in a family where craft and being creative was celebrated. (no seriously, we had 3 huge storage tubs full of craft supplies at any one time) I have carried craft with me through my life and have learnt so many new skills because of it. Crochet, embroidery and beading are just some of my favourite crafts, but I love them all.

Thank you for supporting my small business. It means the world to me. Have fun looking at the website and happy stitching!

Karina xx

Let's be friends on Instagram!